Premier Volleyball Tournaments & Sports Events

If your paperwork is not properly completed and turned in your team will not be allowed to play.
PRIOR TO START DAY: Coaches upload your roster to AES
CHECK-IN 1 hr. before you play at each site, come early to avoid lines.
1. You MUST turn in a paper copy of AES roster signed and dated. You cannot play unless this form is received at check-in. Emailing form is not accepted
2. You MUST turn in the Hotel/Contact form for this stay-n-play event. If you are local it still must be completed, enter "local" when asking for hotel. Coaches will receive coach wrist bands at team check-in. Players will not receive bands but must come dressed in club gear. Clubs are allowed two assistant coaches per team. Any additional assistant coaches, chaperones, or representatives will need to purchase wristbands.
Please be responsible for your players. All debris should be cleared from bench areas following play.
As a courtesy to other teams spectators, we ask that your players do not sit in the courtside seating during their off matches.
There will not be any Waivers of any kind accepted in this event.
Please make sure your Club Code is linked to your team.
This is the way to track your results.
All Coaches must have the USA safe sport and a JVA background check.
Sindee: 407.466.9009
Yvonne: 407.466.9239
Thre will not be any waivers of any kind accepted at this event. Please make sure you Club Code is linked to your team. This is the way to track your results.
All coaches must have completed the USA Safe Sport and a JVA background check.